
PBOC Surveys for Q2: Neutral to Negative

Business Times: China business confidence falls in Q2 vs Q1: Central bank survey

Here's the entrepreneur survey results. The first column highlighted is their take on the macro economy: more negative. Although there's some bounce in the numbers, they're still in an overall downtrend.
Source: 2015 年第二季度企业家问卷调查报告

Banker's survey. The bankers are more pessimistic than entrepreneurs, some of these numbers saw big drops including banking climate, profitability and monetary policy. Macro economic view remains negative.
Source: 2015 年第二季度银行家问卷调查报告

Consumer (depositors) survey. Consumers are more positive on prices, but a bit less optimistic about wages.
Source: 2015 年第二季度城镇储户问卷调查报告

Here's the impact of the stock market rally. This is the question of whether the consumers are consuming more, saving more, or investing more. Investing spikes up.

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